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Bachelorette's Josh Seiter Is Not Dead, Says His Instagram Was Hacked

Bachelorette's Josh Seiter Is Not Dead, Says His Instagram Was Hacked

Yesterday, it was announced that former Bachelorette contestant Josh Seiter had passed away at the age of 36. Well, he just made a video on his account clarifying that he is NOT dead.

He revealed that someone was playing a cruel joke and mocking his mental illness.

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He said in the video, “Hey guys as you can see, I am alive and well. My account was hacked for the last 24 hours. I had been trying desperately to get into it. Somebody was playing a cruel joke and mocking my mental illness and the struggles I’ve gone through with depression and suicide attempts. I am sorry for the pain they caused when they made that post.”

“I am going to try and do all I can with my team to try and identify who was behind this,” he added. He said he’d update everyone with more information as it becomes available.

This is the second time a fake celebrity death announcement has been made on Instagram this month.

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